Welcome to the World of Holistic Health – Welcome to HEALTHI – 3

About Us


HEALTHI - 3 is a Wellness & Healthcare company promoted by Ms. Ekaterina and Mr. Santosh Tiwari. We understand that your overall health & wellness is the most precious thing in life. However, choosing the right wellness therapies & healthcare provider is not easy. We help you select the best wellness and healthcare provider.

India is the land of Ayurveda (3000 years old science of wellness & health) & Yoga. We are associated with leading Ayurveda therapy centres and world class wellness resorts in India. We help you select the most suitable centre and wellness resorts considering your therapeutic needs, comfort and individual budget. We will provide you with complete support from helping you make your travel arrangements, airport pick up and drop, pre-consultation with Ayurveda doctors, selection of required therapies and treatments, accommodation, foreign exchange etc. We also provide you professional language translators if there is a need for the same. In your journey for good health and wellness – we walk with you every step so that you experience the rejuvenation leaving all your worries to us.

Apart from Ayurveda therapies & treatments we also help our guests with their need for allopathic medical healthcare (modern medical science) which includes diagnosis, opinion from medical experts and the most experienced doctors in India, treatment, medical procedures and all kind of surgeries through our associated group of hospitals in India.


we help you experience ayurveda - Indian Science of Wellness

about ayurveda

Ayurveda is a Sanskrit word, where “Ayur” means Life, and “Veda” means Science or Knowledge. Thus Ayurveda can be defined as "science of life" or "knowledge of life". Considered by many scholars to be one of the world's oldest whole-body healing systems Ayurveda has a holistic approach to health, where a person is considered healthy only when He/She is experiencing complete balance and good health at all three levels: physical, mental and spiritual.

The basic principle of Ayurveda is to prevent illness by strengthening one’s immune system. Ayurvedic way of life not only works very well on your physical dimension, it also works wonderfully on your emotional and spiritual aspects by emphasizing on a healthy & fitter body with nutritious diet, periodical detoxification & regular practice of Yoga. Ayurveda also helps you attain balanced mental health & consciousness by regular practice of Meditation and breathing exercises.

find your balance

According to Ayurvedic beliefs, human body is mainly maintained with three distinct energies known as Vata, Pitta & Kapha. Interestingly, every person has a unique characteristic, behaviour and body type, based on the presence of a distinct combination of these energies.

  • Vata. Energy that controls bodily functions associated with motion, including blood circulation, breathing, blinking, and heartbeat. When vata energy is balanced, there is creativity and vitality. Out of balance, vata produces fear and anxiety.
  • Pitta. Energy that controls the body's metabolic systems, including digestion, absorption, nutrition, and temperature. In balance, pitta leads to contentment and intelligence. Out of balance, pitta can cause ulcers and arouse anger.
  • Kapha. Energy that controls growth in the body. It supplies water to all body parts, moisturizes the skin, and maintains the immune system. In balance, kapha is expressed as love and forgiveness. Out of balance, kapha leads to insecurity and envy.

Qualified & Well Experienced Ayurvedic Doctors at our associate Ayurveda retreats / resorts will help you with diagnosis and correction of any energy imbalance that may be affecting your health. With carefully selected Ayurvedic therapies, treatments combined with practice of Yoga & Meditation , our Doctors will helps you attain The Perfect Balance & Better Health.

we help you select best ayurvedic practices for Preventive Healthcare

Balanced Diet

According to Ayurveda, good digestion is the basis of good health. And good digestion starts with a balanced, healthy diet. Therefore, one of the most important things you can do for your health is to give your daily diet some attention.

As per Ayurvedic principals, food is considered to be the MOST POWERFUL MEDICINE. Our body is made up of the food that we have consumed over the years and hence right food is the most important factor for our healthy being.

Our Ayurvedic Doctors will guide you with the most balanced & healthy diet (which will include fresh food, seasonal fruits and vegetables) specific to your body type based on your specific energy balance and prevailing imbalance.

Periodic Panchkarma

Even the best machine or mechanism in the world needs periodic maintenance and care. Ayurvedic Panchkarma in that sense is the most essential maintenance and repair rituals for human beings. According to Ayurveda, the body’s principal energies Vata, Pitta, and Kapha need to be well balanced to ensure good health. If one or more of these energies go out of balance, it affects health. This can lead to a build-up of unwanted wastes or toxins in the body. The presence of such toxins in the body impedes normal physiological functions subsequently leading to various illnesses and compromised immune system.

This is why it is important that toxins be removed from the body periodically so that the body is cleansed and rejuvenated. This can help ensure optimal health.

Panchakarma treatment in Ayurveda is one of the most effective ways to detox the body and help in better health and blissful rejuvenation.

Ayurvedic Panchkarma is performed at all our Associate Ayurveda Retreats / Resorts strictly under the supervision of very experienced Ayurvedic doctors and therapist.

Practice Yoga & Meditation

It is estimated that today, regular practice of Yoga and Meditation is being followed by more than 500 million people worldwide. The reason for trust in practising Yoga & Meditation is the benefits in the form of strong and flexible body with calm and clear mind.

Additionally, the therapeutic benefits of Yoga and Meditation can assist in reduction in the severity of some physical issues such as hypertension, sleep problems and anxiety, all the while building a stronger immune system.

All our Associate Ayurveda Retreats / Resorts will help you practice Yoga and Meditation daily as part of your therapy program. Every centre will have a qualified team of Yoga teachers.

our associate ayurveda health resorts In India Offer Following Curative Ayurvedic Treatments


It is a combination of Ayurvedic therapies that involves Pancha (five) karmas (actions) that helps in cleansing the body of accumulated toxins with an aim to restore health. Your physician, who evaluates your various physical and mental parameters, would be the best judge to choose the right cleansing procedure/s for you. Cleansing is done by purging toxins through different routes of the body.

Among various positive effects on the body, Panchakarma therapy helps to rekindle the digestive enzymes. Optimal digestion and absorption of nutrition helps to improve the production of Ojas (Vigor) that imparts vitality to the body.

The Doshas that are imbalanced would be restored in a natural way. This is stated to be the best way to ensure good health. Ayurveda believes that Panchakarma purifies both the body and the mind. The disease-causing factors are removed, thus ensuring a state of wellness.

Kati Vasti

In Sanskrit language “Kati” means “lower back”, “Vasti” means “retaining”. This traditional Ayurvedic treatment is given for lower backache and disorders of lumbosacral region, including slip disc, lumbar spondylosis, sciatica, spinal problems etc. Kati Vasti is external oleation therapy which is a safe non-invasive and relaxing procedure.

The healing properties of the Herbal Oil used for this vasti procedure, deeply cleans, fortifies & regulates the blood circulation along with strengthening the muscle & connective tissues of the affected area. It also lubricates the bone joints, thus providing much relief from pain and stiffness.

Janu Vasti

“Janu” means “knee joints”, “Vasti” stands for “retaining”. In Ayurveda, Janu Vasti is one of the most effective therapies. It delivers intense relief from painful and inflammatory conditions of the knee joints and effectively remedies acute to chronic knee and bone-related disorders. Additionally, it can also be administrated as a preventive measure to healthy individuals to prevent different types of mobility problems and degenerative disorders.

The calming, medicated, herbal oils are poured into formed compartments made around the knee joints and left to stay for some time, so that their full benefits can easily seep through the skin into the joint tissues,lubricating them and providing intense comfort, relaxation, and a major reduction in pain and inflammation.

Thus, Janu Basti is an incredible pain-relieving, oil-pooling therapy primarily conducted for inflammation of the knee joint and several manifestations associated with it.

Spine Vasti

In simple words, Spine Vasti can be understood as pooling of medicated oils over the complete region of spine. Amongst the varieties of Vasti therapies, given in the region would include Griva Vasti, limited to cervical region or neck region of spine and Kati Vasti, limited to lumbosacral region or waist region of spine.

Spine Vasti is an extended form of Kati Vasti which utilizes the whole length of spine and thus providing therapeutic relief and benefit to the entire spinal region.

Our spinal cord is not only the support system of our entire body, it is also the most conductive body organ of our complete nerves system.

Spine Vasti delivers the most energising results and excellent health benefits to our complete physical body and the nervous system.

These and manymore ayurvedic treatments in our associate centers

our associate ayurveda health resorts in India Also Offer Following Rejuvenating Ayurvedic Therapies

Abhyanga Massage

Abhyanga is a scientific Ayurvedic massage which is quite different from normal body massage. It has a tremendous benefit to the body, mind, skin and immune system. The word “abhyanga” is composed of two Sanskrit words, “abhi” and “anga”. “Abhi” means “towards” and “anga”, means “movement”. In this Ayurvedic treatment, the therapist’s hands movements are designed to be helpful in directing accumulated toxins for easy elimination from your body. It is the secret to beautiful glowing skin and it effectively slows down all your skin aging processes.

In Abhyanga Ayurvedic oil massage, the oil which is used for massage is medicated oil and contains components of castor oil, mustard oil and till oil.components are used as per specific constitution type (Kapha, Vata or Pitta) of each person. There are various Abhyanga massage techniques & procedures involved in this fulfilling massage therapy.

Some of the benefits of Abhyanga Massage are Better metabolism and digestive fire, reduced stiffness in the muscles, improved blood circulation, healthier skin conditions, freedom from stress, lubrication of joints and better sleep quality.


Shirodhara Massage is an ancient Ayurvedic therapy. The term Shirodhara taken from two Sanskrit words “Shira” means “head” and “Dhara” means “stream”. In this procedure, medicated warm oil pours in a continuous flow over the highly concentrated nerves on the forehead. The pressure of the oil onto the brow makes a vibration. The oil soaks the forehead and scalp and penetrates into the sensory system. The gentle pressure and mild warmness of the oil permit the body, mind and nervous system to experience a stress relief mode. Shirodhara massage is a part of the Panchakarma Cleansing process, however it is also safe and effective as a stand-alone therapy.

Shirodhara is one of the best treatments for strained nervous system. It helps in regulation of blood pressure, reduction in mental stress & anxiety, fatigue and insomnia etc.


The practice of Meditation originated in the ancient Vedic times of India. As per Ayurveda, Meditation is a very powerful technic for physical, mental and spiritual wellbeing.

The true purpose of Meditation is to connect oneself to one's deep inner Self. This is believed that through meditation techniques one can achieve calm and relaxed mind which promotes clarity of thoughts, creativity and sense of wellbeing and happiness. This also helps in better productivity and improved inter-personal relationship at work and family life. It reduces anxiety, fear and many other psychological imbalances to a great extent.

There is also a strong belief that by regular practice of Meditation, one can completely heal or find tremendous improvements in oneself in their struggle against many physical and mental illnesses. It also promotes spiritual wellbeing by way of experiencing calmer, stress-free mind along with sense of gratitude & purposefulness.

These and manymore ayurvedic therapies in our associate centers

we can also support you in your journey for Mental Wellness

Expert counselling

Our Ayurvedic Doctors are specially trained & qualified to provide you with expert counselling support to understand your physical and psychological challenges. They will also help you with the most suitable Ayurvedic therapies, treatment & medication.

In cases where special attention and care is needed for better Mental Wellness and health, we can also provide you with services from our specialised, experienced and extensively trained Psychologist.

Our Promoter Ms. Ekaterina is a qualified Psychologist having completed her education in Psychology from The University of Russian Academy of Education, Moscow. She has also undergone multiple professional training program dealing with human mind & emotions, including world renowned “Exponential Coaching” from the Institute of Metacognitive Programming, Canada.

She is well-known counsellor in her own right by helping many individuals and institutions around the world with her expert Psychological guidance for challenges in their personal and professional life.

Sound sleep

In the present days, our modern lifestyle itself is a major cause of many lifestyle diseases. A large section of our society is now suffering from hyper tension, diabetes, anxiety, insomnia and several life threatening diseases. Ayurveda knowledge says that a balanced lifestyle which includes balanced food and good quality timely sleep can help us correct / control many of our illnesses.

It is now a well-established fact that a healthy human body can fight and also cure many illnesses all by itself. The most important time for a human body to restore good health, correct imbalances and effectively fight against various illnesses is the time when we are in good sleep.

Ayurveda gives immense importance to relaxation and good sleep and through ayurvedic therapies such as – Abhyangam, Shirodhara combined with regular practice of Yoga & Meditation, one can experience all the benefits of Good Sleep. Ayurvedic herbs & medications are also used to promote good quality sleep.

HEALTHI – 3 team will also help you select The Best Ayurveda health resorts in India For Wellness for Senior Citizens

Medical care & Medication support

Sometimes, ageing can be a difficult and painful process. Not only because of growing health issues but also because of lack of companionship and gradual loss of independence due to age related complications. This is not only heart-wrenching for seniors, but also hard for families, too.

We at HEALTHI - 3 can assist all such senior citizens with complete evaluation of their health and provide with unique health programs specifically designed and tailor made for each individual.

We will help you select the most suitable Ayurvedic health resort depending on your specific medical and physical needs. These ayurvedic health resorts have specialised holistic health care programs for our senior guests which will include Medical care, & required medication support.

Improvement in Physical & Mental wellness

Our associate Ayurvedic health resorts will make a very comfortable wellness plans for our senior citizen guests by effectively blending Ayurveda therapies with periodic yoga and regular meditation in their daily health plan at the resort.

This will help them with better physical health, calm and relaxed mind and much stronger immune system for improvement in overall health. Abundance of nature, balanced food, specially designed ayurvedic therapies under our trained and experienced doctors should bring tremendous health benefits to our senior guests.

Periodic counselling sessions

Old age often comes with its fair share of emotional ups and downs. The first benefit of counselling for the aging is the invaluable emotional support it offers. In these sessions, older adults can express their thoughts, feelings, and concerns in a safe, non-judgmental space.

For many seniors, life can become lonely, especially if they’ve lost loved ones or live away from their families.

Counselling for the elderly offers a consistent source of human connection, reducing feelings of isolation.

Our associate Ayurveda resorts will have qualified counsellors for the health benefits and wellbeing of our senior citizen guests.

Modern medical (Allopathic) support & Medical Tourism in India

HEALTHI - 3 will also be happy to provide you complete health care support in case you need any kind of medical treatment or assistance from the “Modern Allopathic Medical” set up. We are authorised “Health Care Facilitator” for a leading chain of hospital in Mumbai. This hospital has a successful legacy of more than 15 years in India, having best of The Doctors and expert medical team providing world class service at a fraction of the cost, around the world. This renowned chain of hospital near Mumbai is currently serving with more than 1000 hospital beds, having around 1.5 million of top-class medical infrastructure for all kinds of Medical Health Care.

India is a fast growing health destination for the world. Thanks to The World Class medical infrastructure and extremely knowledgeable, experienced & devoted Doctors and para medical team at service, India is healing and treating people from around the globe. Approximately 2 million patients visit India each year from 78 countries for medical, wellness and IVF treatments which is further estimated to double by 2026 backed by the government's Heal in India initiative.

We at HEALTHI - 3, consider health care responsibility as an opportunity to serve and to be able to help someone live a healthier and happier life. That is why we choose our Health Care Providing partners very carefully based on similar ethics and principals. For any kind of medical assistance, treatment, surgeries, procedures or expert medical consultation, we have tied up with a leading chain of Hospitals in Mumbai.

About Promoters


Is Promoter and Head of Sales & Customer Support. She is a qualified Psychologist having completed her education in Psychology from The University of Russian Academy of Education, Moscow. She has also undergone multiple professional training program dealing with human mind & emotions, including world renowned “Exponential Coaching” from the Institute of Metacognitive Programming, Canada.

Ms. Ekaterina being a professional Life Coach and a Councillor, is helping people around the world in their personal and professional life by guiding and inspiring them to achieve greater milestones in professional life and stability and happiness in personal life.

She is also an expert in Language translation and business communication. She is a vivid Yoga Practitioner since 2020 and believes in healthy way of Life. Having experienced the benefits of Yoga and Ayurveda, now it’s her passion & mission to help people around the world to experience the bliss of 3-Dimensional Health (body, mind & soul).

Santosh Tiwari

Is a Promoter and Head of Business Development. Having worked with one of the top Construction Companies in India at senior management level, Santosh has a flair for professional management and effective communication. Due to his straight forward approach in business, respect for absolute transparency and keenness in building valuable long term business associations, we have successfully roped in the world class Ayurveda resorts and retreats in India as our preferred valuable partners.

He has been a regular practitioner of Yoga, Meditation and Pranayama for more than 20 years. He is also a devoted admirer & keen learner of Ayurveda. In his spare time he likes to work for the less privileged and hence is associated with many philanthropist and charitable activities. Being a committed nature lover he has planted thousands of trees and works passionately for soil & water conservation.

Having common interest in Mental wellness and Healthy way of life, Ms. Ekaterina and Mr. Santosh Tiwari have made it their common passion to spread the goodness of Ayurveda, Yoga and Mindfulness to the people around the world. HEALTHI - 3 is a product of this passion and our journey together.


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